Rumah modern dengan taman dalam

Rumah modern dengan taman dalam,rumah ekologis,rumah taman,rumah kebun

Six Ramsgate House – A Modern House with Inner Courtyard

rumah modern dengan taman dalam,rumah ekologis,rumah taman,rumah kebun

rumah modern minimalis, Modern House Design

rumah modern dengan taman dalam


This house is located in 6 Ramsgate Road, Singapore . The site area is 1200 sqm with 855 sqm built-in area. Designed by Wallflower Architects, ‘The client’s desire for the hometo have a perception of substantial private space has resulted in the development of a spatial program that internalizes spaces such as pools and gardens normally regarded as external to the envelope of the house. By zoning spaces such as the bedrooms and servants’ quarters on alternative levels, i.e. 2nd story and basement levels, the ground plane is freed from walls that would have been required if public and private programs were interlaced on the same plane.

Modern House Design

The environmental transparencies at ground level and between courtyards are important in passively cooling the house. All the courtyards have differing material finishes and therefore differing heat gain and latency (water, grass, water, granite).
See more details of design here.

Modern House Design

rumah modern dengan taman dalam, yang menyatu dengan ruang dalam

rumah kebun,Modern House Design,rumah modern tema alami

rumah modern dengan taman dalam,dengan aksentuasi tanaman plus lampu

Modern House Design

Modern House Design

rumah minimalis natural

Modern House Design

Rumah ekologi tema Modern House Design

rumah ekologi, rumah modern dengan taman dalam

Modern House Design

Modern House Design

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